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Pietrasanta (Auto/Train/Bus)

it is the Versilia's historical and artistic capital town, Pietrasanta stays true to its tradition showing examples of religious, military and civil architecture. Undisputed pride of the city is the marvelous Duomo square, dominated by the Rocca di Sala (fourteenth-century) that, on the hill with the same name, appears from the multitude of olive trees with its bastion and the crenellated walls.

It's an appealing destination especially for the cultural and elitist tourism. Pietrasanta, the small Athens of Versilia, so called due to the high concentration of artists that decided to live there, praises ancient roots in marble production. The majestic peaks of the Apuan Alps standing out in the background are there to remind it.

Apartament Vaniglia

Via Paolina Bonaparte, 105
55049 - Viareggio (LU)
Tel: +39 0584 49641
Fax: +39 0584 49483
P.IVA: 01848740468
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